优优班--学霸训练营 > 题目详情
  • I'm Jane,from America.I can not sleep well and I always wake up several times during the night.I know for a fact that there are many other people who have trouble going to sleep,too.So,I've collected some advice I've received over the past few months that have not only helped me get to sleep faster,but helped me get better night sleeps.
    Have regular sleep habits
    Go to bed at the same time every night.Try not to break this habit on weekends when you may be made to stay up late.Wake up at the same time every day.If you're getting enough sleep,you should wake up naturally without an alarm.
    Turn off your computer
    Don't play on the computer for half an hour before you decide to sleep.Studies show that it is bad for the quality of your sleep.Read a book or listen to some light music to prepare your body for sleeping.
    Have a nice bedroom
    A clean environment helps people to be happy and relaxed.Make sure that you have turned off all light that might come into your room,and that the temperature is comfortable.
    Exercise often
    Exercising will help you to fall asleep more easily,so walk out for 45 minutes every day and you will sleep better at night.But don't do it just before you go to bed-you won't be able to sleep!
    Eat properly
    Eat only a little for supper.A full stomach may make it much harder for you to sleep.
    Advice on How to (71) ______ Well
    Have regular sleep habits Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.
    Get (72) ______ sleep and you'll wake up naturally.
    Turn off your computer Don't play on the computer for a long time.
    Try to a read a book or listen to light music(73) ______ you go to sleep.
    Have a nice bedroom Keep your bedroom clean.It will make vou (74) ______ and relaxed.
    Turn off all light that might come into the room.
    Exercise often Go out for a (75) ______ every day for sleeping better.
    Eat properly It's much (76) ______ for you to fall asleep if you only eat a little for supper.
