优优班--学霸训练营 > 题目详情
  • Landslides (山崩) are very dangerous. Every year 25 to 50 people die from landslides in the USA. Many years ago more than 2000 people died from one landslide in the Philippines.

    To stop landslides from happening , people come up with some ideas. One of them is to make mountainsides strong with steel bars (钢筋) . It will really helps people a lot .But it’s not safe for people to do that.

    Now there may be an answer: a robot called Robotclimber.”The idea is to start a machine far away and it can do the dangerous job without a person near,” says Pezzuto , a manager for the project. And the machine will work faster.机器人非常的大。It looks         a large spider. It is able to climb the mountainside, dig holes and put steel bars into the mountainside.

    Robotclimber is really great! But it is not cheap. To make it needs more than 2,000,000 dollars.


    How many people die from landslides in America each year?






    (4)在文中找出与句子But it is very expensive.意思相近的句子:



