优优班--学霸训练营 > 题目详情
  • 单词拼写:(共10小题)


    Their cultural backgrounds gave them a spirit of a_______________.


    We are told that the task require e_______________ patience and endurance.


    With b_______________ lights blazing everywhere in Christmas night, the city looked most magnificent.


    We were not a_______________ sure that the comet would miss the earth.


    I became u________________ aware that the people at the next table were watching me.


    American football is a ________________ (粗暴的) game at the best of times.


    The Ministry of ____________ (防御) took action to protect the people who are homeless.


    They left the lights down to create a comfortable ________________ (气氛).


    I’ ll go on to the office and leave the briefcase, and meet you here _______________ (然后).


    We arrived in Beijing two hours ahead of  ______________ (计划).

