优优班--学霸训练营 > 题目详情
  • Ⅰ.俗话说:“An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”但在现实生活中,很多青少年却用垃圾食品代替了健康饮食。假如你是学校膳管会(Dietary Management Committee)主席,现在你想给全校学生写一封倡议书。


    2.谈谈你对“An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”这句谚语的看法,并就健康饮食给同学们提出建议。



    2.参考词汇:垃圾食品:junk food;谚语:proverb








    Many people are fond of listening to music. Whether it’s light music or jazz music,it can improve our moods. Music has been with us since very early times in human history. Have you ever wondered how music might affect our health?

    Research shows that having musical training and listening to or playing music at an old age can help keep the brain healthy. Since listening to music is like exercising the brain, one can expect the benefits of better memory and mental sharpness as he or she ages.

    Music can make you happy, excited or even cheerful. Listening to music that hits you in a special way causes your brain to release dopamine, which is known as a “feel-good” chemical. It causes us to feel happy and excited. Listening to music provides us with the same burst of happiness that would get from a piece of chocolate.

    Music can strengthen the heart and shorten the recovery time of patients who are suffering from heat disease. A study found that heart disease patients who listened to music for 30 minutes had lower blood pressure, slower heart rates and less sadness than those who didn’t. Researchers from Drexel university found that cancer patients who either listened to music or worked with a music therapist(治疗师) had better blood pressure levels and improved moods. Researchers also found that listening to music can increase the level of antibodies in the human body.

    Research has found that listening to music promotes better sleep patterns for people and even creates more restful sleep. In some cases, music might even be able to be used to effectively treat sleeplessness. Music can have positive effects on the soul and quality of life as well.

