优优班--学霸训练营 > 题目详情
  • 阅读下面短文,根据文章的情节续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。

    Gold drew many to South Africa and it was gold that has just reaffirmed my faith in thismuddled(混乱的)nation.

    As a Briton living in Cape Town, I recently received the call that nobody wants. My father had passed away. After the funeral in England, my mother showed me dad’s will. It mostly went to her with one named item for me — a gold ring, worn for decades by dad and before him, by his own father.

    I’ve never really been into jewelry, yet when I slipped the ring on my leftpinky(小指),  it felt somehow right. So, I took possession of it and comforted by dad’s beloved ring, I flew home to South Africa.

    All was well until a wintry Saturday when I walked on a local beach. As so often in the Cape, it was fiercely windy. When I got home and lit the fire, I looked at my left hand. The ring wasn’t there.

    An emotional tsunami (海啸)washed over me—shock, horror, regret,anger, powerlessness. And when it pulled back, all that was really left was guilt — a potential life sentence of guilt. Hoping that it had not been dropped on the beach, I looked everywhere. Nothing.

    It must have been the beach, an area stretching 200m from the car park — the ring, a very small needle in a very large beach.

    I was out at first light the next day but with no luck. My only hope was this — the wind had been so strong the ring could have been buried. It might just still be there, somewhere.I contacted local metal detector(金属探测仪) users. Two came to help, one even lending me his tool. “Take as long as you need,” he said. Days of searching passed. I found an old mobile phone, a 50 cent coin and a lot of bottle tops.

    I daren’t ring mum that long week because I was not brave enough to admit the loss. I understand how precious the ring was to my dad as well as to my mum.



    Paragraph 1:

    With my hopes failing, a stranger came into my room.______________






    Paragraph 2:

    The fact that my hero refused all rewards impressed me more._______







