优优班--学霸训练营 > 题目详情
  • There’s a science to setting goals.Below,we share some research-backed tips to help you carry out successful goals.   

    Choose a goal that matters,not just easy win.

    A meaningful goal—61 that truly inspires you to change—requires going deeper.Think about what you want in the coming year, then ask yourself  62 you want that.For example,if you walk to quit 63 (smoke), ask why do you want to quit? Then, if you want to quit for your health ask why do you want good health? Then,if your answer is to be alive long enough 64 (meet)your grandchildren,ask why do you want to meet your grandchildren?

    Set up your goals positively.

        How you describe your goal makes 65 big difference.Focusing on 66 you want to“bring into your life —not what you want to avoid—wi11 make you more likely to 67 (actual)pursue it. Prepare for failure(in a good way).

        Moments of failure 68 (be)unavoidable,but most of us abandon the goal entirely when slight failures and setbacks start piling up.At the moment when you fail,often the first instinct(本能)is to push the goal away. Itˈs so 69(comfort)to be in that condition of self-doubt or self-criticism and guilt.   

        Your task is not to avoid failures,70to plan for them.Ask yourself, how am I likely to  fail? For example,if you’re likely to choose unhealthy meals when you’re hungry, carry a light snack with you.

