优优班--学霸训练营 > 题目详情
  • Homework has been a topic of debate for quite some time now. People have been going back and forth, when it comes to considering the upsides and downsides of homework. Perhaps, reading the benefits of homework will help you out of the problem.

    Children begin to study. Homework makes them take the initiative(主动性). Teachers get the schoolwork done from students and students start doing homework. There is a sense of responsibility related to completing their homework and a feeling of accomplishment(成就感)after completing it.

    Children start to arrange their time to study and play, thus learning to complete their scheduled tasks in the time they have. They learn to set priorities(优先的事). They manage their time and complete their work on their own. Homework encourages self-discipline(自律) in kids.

    Homework builds confidence in their minds. Teachers give comments on the work students do. Teachers' praise promotes the students' confidence and encourages them to keep up with their good work. They learn to follow instructions and complete their tasks with responsibility. They need to explore various topics, refer to research material, and search for information in order to do the homework. Thus, homework helps to enable the students to explore and learn.

    Students get an opportunity to use their skills and develop them. Homework gives students a chance to learn from their mistakes and improve on their weaknesses. Homework provides them with a chance to express what they know or have newly found out, and exhibit their talent. Homework makes students grasp whatever they learn in school, thus helping in strengthening the knowledge learned. This helps them score better in class tests and eventually improves their academic results.

    Completing homework requires planning, organizing and acting upon it. The task of completing the homework on time and regularly helps raise, in the child, a sense of proper planning. Managing time and planning are two terms with a thin line of difference between them. Planning involves ways to get all the homework done-subject by subject one after the other, based on their levels of difficulty.

    I believe in the benefits of homework. Students should be encouraged to work creatively. Good homework is their window to this world.

                           (1)  of Homework

    To make students initiative

    ●Homework helps children start study.

    ●Students become   (2)  by completing their homework.

    To develop time  (3)  

    ●Homework helps children learn to manage their time.

    ●Homework helps children study by   (4)   .

    To build  (5)  

      (6)   comments of homework from teachers can make students confident.

    ●Homework helps in developing a(n)  (7)   to explore and learn.

    To use And develop skills

    ●Homework let students learn from their mistakes.

    ●Homework offers students a chance to express their   (8)  

    ●Homework makes students have a better  (9)   of what they have learned.

    To learn planning

    ●Homework makes students learn to complete things in     (10)   .

