优优班--学霸训练营 > 题目详情
  •   Can you balance on a tight rope like an acrobat(杂技演员) or on a balance beam(平衡木) like a gymnast(体操运动员)? All of us are expected to ____(1)___ our lives in balance just like them. Maintaining equal footing can be difficult, ____(2)_____ it is usually the best course to prevent falling on our faces.

       Many ____(3)____ people act in a boastful and overly confident manner these days. _____(4)____ are so shy and withdrawn that they seem not to be able to do anything ____(5)____. Both of these characteristics can be very damaging.

       All of us ____(6)____ try to be the very best we can be. However, if a person is ____(7)_____ telling people how great they are, then soon _____(8)_____ will take them seriously, nor want to be around them. At the same time, if your peers always _____(9)_____ you telling them that you can't do anything right and _____(10)_____ you think you're a failure, they will soon believe you and not _____(11)_____ to be your friend.

       The acrobat and gymnast walk with their _____(12)____ up and their eyes fixed on the goal they have set for ____  (1)  ___. They walk with confidence, but also with care. They push themselves to attempt ____  (2)  __ and more challenging tasks, but they know their limits ____(15)____.

       Boastful and arrogant or withdrawn and lacking in confidence...

       Can you maintain a proper balance and walk the tight rope of life?

