优优班--学霸训练营 > 题目详情
  • There are two main ways of traveling: traveling in a group and traveling by oneself. Both of them have their own good points and   36  points.

    Most people like traveling in a group. I also think it is the best way.

    Firstly, you will   37  friendship(友谊) when traveling in a group. Usually a tour group has 20 to 40 people. These people eat and sleep in the  38  hotel. It is  39  for you to make some new friends during the trip.

    Secondly,  40     is planned by the travel agency(旅行社). You don’t have to   41  about buying tickets, finding hotels, deciding where to go and so on.

    Thirdly, you can  42  more about the places of interest from a tour guide(导游), and won’t miss(错过) any important  43  . Traveling in a group can save(节省) your  44  and money on information searching.

    In a word, traveling in a group is the best way for me. What is your  45  ?

