优优班--学霸训练营 > 题目详情
  • It is autumn. A strong wind is blowing. It   (1)   flower seeds(种子)high in the air. One of the seeds is tiny. Will it be able to keep up   (2)   the others? Finally the wind stops and seeds fall quietly down on the ground.

    Now it is   (3)  . After a long trip the seeds feel very   (4)  . They look just as if they are going to sleep in the earth. Snow falls and covers them like a soft white blanket.

    Spring comes. It gets warm. The sun shines. Rain falls. The seeds grow   (5)   full and round that they start to break open a little. Now they are not   (6)  . They are plants. First they put roots (根) into the earth. Then their little stems(茎)and leaves begin to dance in the sun and air.  

    In summer, the tiny plant is all alone. It grows on and doesn’t stop. The sun shines on it   (7)   the rain waters it. It has many leaves. It grows taller and taller. It is   (8)   the people. It is taller than the trees. And now some flowers grow on it.

    Autumn comes back. The wind blows past the flowers.  (9)   petals (花瓣) drop over the land and down to the ground. The wind blows harder. The flowers have lost all of their petals. Once more the wind shakes the flowers, and this time the flowers’ seed pods (荚) open. Many new seeds come out. Quickly in the wind they are   (10)   to new plants again. 

