优优班--学霸训练营 > 题目详情
  • Zhejiang is one of China’s major tea-producing areas and Longjing tea is 51 as China’s best green tea.

    Longjing tea became important over three centuries  52 , during the Qing Dynasty .It is said that when the famous emperor Qianlong(乾隆)went to visit Hangzhou, he always  53  Longjing tea there. He enjoyed it so  54  that he named eighteen Longjing tea plants as producers of “imperial (皇家的)tea”.

      55   , one kilogram of Longjing tea is made up of about seven thousand tea leaves. Nowadays,  56  most of the tea leaves are picked by machine,some farmers still keep the tradition of picking the leaves by  57   . They say they can find leaves of the proper (合适的)color and size. Machines can pick leaves  58  than man, but they may not be able to classify (分类) them as well as man.

    People  59  drinking in the tea house. This has been a  60    part of the life in Hangzhou since the Song Dynasty. At that time, Huangzhou was the capital of the Song Dynasty. Today, the tea house is one of the places where Huangzhou people most like to go.

