优优班--学霸训练营 > 题目详情
  • The story happened on a hot heavy rainy day. After class, I wanted to get some water from the water room. Oh! There were so many people! I had to wait in the rain. My hair didn't get wet because I wore a hat, but my clothes did.

       When at last it was my turn, I filled the bottle as quickly as possible. I began making my way back when I saw a boy coming towards me, who was holding two umbrellas in his hand. As he came nearer, I recognized that it was Tom.

       Tom had been my classmate for nearly three years, but we never shared more than ten sentences. He was always silent, but I liked talking. We were quite strange people and had nothing in common. He was a cold person and I even didn't want to see him.

       "Hey!" He said, "I saw you standing in the rain, so I brought you this umbrella. But it seems a little late, your clothes are already wet." On hearing this, I couldn't say a single word.

       "Don't just stand there. Let's go!" He said and held the umbrella for me. We walked towards the dormitory(宿舍) and this time we talked a lot.

       "I really want to make friends with you." he said, "You may think I am silent, but it is because I always can't find the right words to say."

       The rain finally stopped and we saw a rainbow in the blue sky, I said to myself, "I would never judge(判断) someone only by his appearance."

