优优班--学霸训练营 > 题目详情
  • Different people have different dreams and plans for the future. Some of them want to be rich and famous, others dream about having a family. My greatest dream is to be healthy. My second dream is to fly to the USA. I am always interested in that country. I would like to visit my friends there. Besides(另外), I would like to see different places like New York. I like basketball best. I would like to see NBA games and meet NBA players. Of course, I would always like to walk down Manhattan and see the Statue of Liberty.

    As for my plans for the future. First of all, I want to pass all the exams in high school and go to college. After college, I want to teach in the school. I think this is my favourite job. And finally, I would like to have my own family. Of course, I want to have a son and a daughter . These are my dreams and plans for the future. I hope they will come true(实现) one day.

