优优班--学霸训练营 > 题目详情
  • One day a girl found two starving(快要饿死的)songbirds while she was walking in the woods. She took them home and put them in a small cage.(A)She cared them with love and the birds grew stronger. Every morning they greeted her with a wonderful song. The girl felt great love for the birds. One morning the girl left the door to the cage open. The larger of the two birds flew from the age. The girl was so frightened that he would flyaway. As the flew close, she caught him tightly in her hands. Her heart felt glad at her success in catching him. When she(B)________her hands she stared at the dead bird. Her deep love had killed(C)him.

        She could feel the bird's great need for freedom. He needed to fly in the clear, blue________(D).she let the other bird fly out of the cage. He circled once, twice. three times.

        Her heart was no longer concerned with her loss. She wanted the bird to be happy. Suddenly the bird flew closer and landed softly on her shoulder. It(E)唱动听的歌that she had never heard.

    The fast way to lose love is to hold it tightly. the best way to keep love is to give it wings.

