优优班--学霸训练营 > 题目详情
  •  If an American friend invites you to his or her home for dinner,keep in mind these important rules.

      First of all,arrive on time(but not early).Americans expect promptness(准时).It’s OK to be ten or fifteen minutes late but not forty-five minutes late.

      Second,it is polite(有礼貌的) to bring a small gift.Flowers or candies are always good.If you take a special gift that is made in your own country,your friend will certainly enjoy accepting that.

      Wearing beautiful clothes and a smile is good but not enough.Table manners(礼仪) are also very important.Do not open your mouth to talk when you are eating food.Also,eat with your mouth closed.When you want to get food that is a little far from you,do not stretch your hands to reach for it.Ask others to pass(传递) the food to you.

      After dinner,don’t leave at once,but don’t stay at your friend’s house for too long,either.When your friend seems to be getting tired,tell him or her that you need to leave.The next day,call or write to say how much you enjoyed the evening.

