优优班--学霸训练营 > 题目详情
  •  I was 12 years old and had talked my older brother into taking me to a drive-in movie. I felt so grown up ____(1)____ with him and his friends. When I found out that one of them had brought a bottle of cheap wine in ____(2)____, which was against the rule, I persuaded my brother into buying me a bottle. It was a big mistake. The ____(3)____ hit me like a large heavy hammer. Within minutes, my ____(4)____ was buzzing and my body felt numb (麻木的). When I got home, I did my best to ____(5)____ straight and appear normal. Dad knew ____(6)____ I walked in the door that I was ____(7)____. He yelled at us for quite a while and I ____(8)____ the next day hung-over.

       That ____(9)____ did serve to teach me one thing, ____(10)____. It taught me to prefer a natural high over a(n) ____(11)____ one. I get a natural high when I watch the birds flying ____(12)____ the sunny sky. I get a natural high when I exercise my body, ___(13)____ and soul. I get a natural high when I ____(14)____ my dogs, hug my child and ____(15)____ my smile. I get a natural high from ____(16)____ the morning breeze on my face and get a natural high from every act of ____(17)____ I share.

       You can ____(18)____ your life with natural highs that lighten your heart and calm your mind. All you have to do is ____(19)____ them. May all of your natural highs bring you ____(20)___.

