优优班--学霸训练营 > 题目详情
  • Yesterday I called my cousin Alice, I asked her if she____31____to go out for a picnic with me. She immediately said,“No. I’m too____32____to go with you.” I was not____33____when I got that answer. Alice is always doing something. She is running here and there to get a____34____done. And at the end of the day, she always seems tired. I don’t think Alice is____35____. There are many people like her. They seem to be busy but don’t do many things. Their____36____is that they don’t set priorities (优先权). In their opinion, every task is of the same____37____. But that is incorrect.

    Recently, I____38____a video online, which shows the importance of setting priorities. And I can’t____39____more. There are reasons to set priorities on a____40____basis. If you work on tasks from one to another without getting anything____41____on the major-to-do list, you will see yourself flitting like a humming bird from flower to flower.

    ____42____you haven’t set your daily priorities for quite some time, maybe a suggestion or two would be welcome. The easiest and simplest way, and____43____one of the most effective ways is to start to____44____your major priorities for the day on your calendar (日历). No, I do not____45____doing that on your iPad, iPone, or any other electronic device. You should____46____major priorities on a physical calendar with a pen. This process lets your brain____47____the connection you are making, and it is this conscious connection that makes your note more effective.

    The real____48____comes next and that is to remove or____49____all other events, issues or demands for your time or attention that could knock you off your track. This is not easy. However, with practice, you will____50____make it.

