优优班--学霸训练营 > 题目详情
  • There was a handful of common clay in the river bank. But it had    (1)    thoughts of its own value, and wonderful dreams of the great place it was to    (2)    in the world when the time came for its virtues to be   (3 )       One day the clay was carried far away in a cart     (4)    a stony road.  But it was not    (5)   , for it said to itself: “This is necessary.  The path to glory is always   ( 6 )   Now I am on my way to play a great part in the world.”
          But the hard journey was     (7)   , compared with the suffering after it.  The clay was putinto a container and mixed and beaten.  It seemed almost    8  .  But there was   ( 9)     in the thought that something very noble was   (10)   coming out of all this trouble.  The clay felt sure that, if it could only wait long enough, a wonderful reward was    (11)    for it. 
          Then it was put upon a   (12)   turning wheel, and turned around until it seemed as if it must fly into a thousand pieces.  A strange power pressed and molded it, and through all the dizziness and pain it felt that it was taking a new    (13 )  .
          Then an unknown hand put it into an oven, and     (14)    fires were burning about it.  But the clay held itself together, in the confidence of a great future. 
          At last the baking was finished.  The clay was    (15)    upon a board, in the cool air.  The suffering was passed.  The reward was at hand. 
          Then the clay saw the reward of all its     (16)    and pain,—a common flower­pot, straight and ugly.  It felt that it was not    (17)    for a king's house, nor for a palace of art.  Many days it passed in     (18)    .
          But presently it was set in a greenhouse, where the sunlight fell warm upon it, and day by day as it waited, something was changing within it—a new hope.  Still it was     (19)   , not knowing what the new hope meant. 
          But one day the clay was carried into a great church.  All the people looked towards it because it carried a royal lily as white as snow, which was   (20)     in its heart.  Now it knew what the hope is!
          Then the clay was content, because, though an earthen pot, it held so great a treasure. 

