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    While the whole world is showing grief and sympathy for France, America is reminded to be the next target of terrorist attract. “We cannot allow ISIS to have this hiding place in Syria and Iraq from which to plan and direct attacks against us,” said Adam Schiff (Republican Representative). White House officials are seeking to reassure the American public.

    “There is not a specific, reliable threat to the homeland at this time, but we are going to be very vigilant,” said President Barack Obama’s deputy national security adviser, Ben Rhodes, on this week.

    The public concern is: the Paris attacks demonstrated that terrorists can plan, coordinate and carry out bloody plots with little or no Internet chatter or other communication that may tip off intelligence agencies. If Islamic State caught France by surprise, could it do the same to the United States?

    “The reality is: even the best intelligence will not stop a determined enemy that adapts to our defenses, and ISIS has adapted,” said Schiff. Reports that one of the Paris attackers may have been a Syrian refugee will bring increased examination of the Obama administration’s promise to accept 10,000 refugees from Syria.

    For months, Republican presidential competitors have criticized the administration’s campaign against IS as unfortunately inadequate. Now, they are disputing White House assurances that Syrians allowed into U.S. will be subjected to thorough selection and examination. “You have a thousand people come in, and 999 are just poor people fleeing poverty and violence. But one of them is an ISIS fighter. If that is the case, then you have a problem, and there is no way to check that out,” said Republican Senator Marco Rubio. “You cannot pick up the phone and call Syria.”

    At Saturday’s debate, Hillary Clinton strongly disagreed with Obama’s opinion last week that the Islamic State group has been controlled. But White House officials say the president was referring to the territory controlled by IS in Iraq and Syria, not the terrorist threat caused by the group.

