优优班--学霸训练营 > 题目详情
  • There have been a lot of castles built in Britain over the centuries. They range from the more famous and better preserved castles such as Windsor Castle and the Tower of London, to those less famous and a little less well looked after, such as a personal favourite of mine Peveril Castle, that can be found in the village of Castleton in Derbyshire.

    Although the Romans brought stone working skills with them to Britain when they invaded (入侵) and built stone forts(堡垒) across the country, the Anglo-Saxon people, who settled in what is now England after the Romans left, largely dismissed their style of building in favour of wooden structures. It is not until the Norman conquest of 1066 that castles in the truest sense of the word began to appear in Britain, when they were built as places of refuge(避难所)for what was an invading force, a strategy used again in later centuries during England’s invasions of Wales and Scotland.

    Some of the best castles to visit in Britain are built on the borderlands where England meets with Wales or Scotland, a memento (纪念品) of the English——Norman expansionist policy of the middle age. These are some of the most remarkable looking castles to be found in the country, dominating the landscapes they inhabit(栖息).

    Entry to most of the castles run by English Heritage, Historic Scotland and Cadw is reasonably priced, but if you are intending to visit lots of castles it might be worth your while joining one of the heritage groups, which one would depend on which area you will be in. It is worth bearing in mind that if you join any of these three groups you will be able to get half priced entry into any of the properties run by the other two. Needless to say not all castles are run by heritage (遗产) trusts, some of the better preserved are still in use and are either owned privately or by the State, many of these are still open to visitors, but they may be a bit more expensive.

    Further information on the heritage trusts mentioned earlier, including the properties they run, you can click the following websites:

    www. cadw. wales. gov. uk           www. historic-scotland. gov. uk

    www engLish-heritage. org. uk        www. nationaltrust. org. uk

