优优班--学霸训练营 > 题目详情
  • Nowdays,many kids aren't interested in a summer camp that involves paddling(划船)canoe or singing campfire songs.But that doesn't mean summer camp is out complerely.Fortunately,there are summer camps that will suit almost any teen's tastes.And,many of them provide opportunities to prepare them for their future asporations
    Hollywood Stunt(绝技)Camp
    A teen who loves adventure and movies may enjoy it.Teens learn a variety of stunts,including how to perform in a flight scene and jump off tall buildings.They also gain an understanding of how Hollywood starts perform a variety of tricks without getting injured.Each camper gets to perform stunts for an original film and participate in a weekly show during the one-or two-week camp.
    Kids Comedy Camp
    Kids aged between 10and 18can spend two weeks at Gotham Comedy Club in New York City to learn about comedy.At the end of the two weeks of holiday camp,the kids will perform a live show.If you've got an aspiring on your hands,this camp has a lot to offer.
    Rock Star Camp
    If your teen's an aspiring musician,rock star camp may be a fun opportunity to learn and play.Located in Running Springs,it provides instructions for aspiring musicians on how to improve their skills and their performances.All campers return home with a CD of their own music.
    Camp BizSmart
    It teaches kids the skills necessary to operate a business.Kids learn about everything from public speaking to negotiation.They will work together on real-life projects and business cases for 10days.Each camp session takes place in California.

