优优班--学霸训练营 > 题目详情
  •  My hero is a doctor. He saved my life when I could have died. He saves lots of children's lives. He worked and studied a lot to get the job he has got now. He has done a very difficult surgery. He has to work almost every day at the hospital. He has studied kidneys(肾)and got his Ph.D. at Queens University. He is a great doctor and he is easy to talk to.

    He is willing to take a risk to save someone's life. He saved my life from a kidney inflamation(发炎)disease when I was in the hospital. He worked very hard to find out what exactly was wrong with my kidneys and why they weren't working.

    He  goes out of his way for someone like me and my parents because he had to explain to them what was wrong with me and do lots of different tests to find the medicine to cure me. He talked to my parents and me every day to let us know how I was doing. His life has made a difference in the lives of others, especially mine. I saw him look after many other children in the hospital and help them recover. Also, he was always there helping by teaching other doctors about being kidney specialists(专家) too. He worked very hard to keep others alive. You can phone him anytime and he'll phone you back as soon as possible to see how he can help you. He has a great staff who make his appointments and make sure you get the medicine that Dr. Wade tells them to give you.

