优优班--学霸训练营 > 题目详情
  •   (Some young people are reading an article and talking about it.)

    Caroline: It’s really interesting, this article.

    Joanne: What’s it about?

             Caroline: The pet food factory in Mansfield Road, you know, the one that smells really bad when you walk past it. Well, it says here in the newspaper that the factory has been polluting the river, too.

     Ash: It’s terrible. Someone should do something about it. Maybe we should do something about it.

    Matt: Us? Come on! There is nothing we can do!

    Joanne: If everyone thinks so, then soon there will be nothing of our Earth left to enjoy.Of course there’s something we can do.

    Matt: Ok.I see.I never realized you were so environmentally-minded.

    Ash: Stop! Since when am I like that?

    Caroline: Well, let’s not start quarrelling among ourselves. The point is, what are we going to do about this factory?

    Joanne: Right.It’s really making the atmosphere dirty.

    Ash: So, let’s start to do somehing riht now. Maybe we could put up some banners(横幅)around the factory.

    Matt: I like the idea. We could get some cool banners-you know, “Youth Against the Factory!”and things like that.

    Ash: If the factory is polluting our air, it needs to be closed.

          Joanne: Well, in fact, I’m not so sure.Read the end of the article. It say, “The owner of the factory has agreed to repair any damage and to stop the pollution.”

