优优班--学霸训练营 > 题目详情
  • There are too few times in life that stand alone and above all others, days that will never be forgotten. This was one of those days, a day when on a hike, I became my children’s Hero. This event happened the first summer after moving to the mountains of Colorado.

    Wanting to enjoy the beauty of the mountains, my wife and I planned a day hike to the Brown’s Creek waterfall. The kids were excited, a day hike, especially a day spent with Dad (not enough of those as I l look back).

    Our hike would take us up the Brown’s Creek trail and after about three miles the waterfall would be on our left. Then the trail took us through a beautiful grass land and across the creek (小溪) a couple of times. We decided to turn back before reaching the waterfalls. While crossing the creek by walking on a downed tree trunk, our little Izzie fell into the creek and immediately started moving up and down in the water.

    Immediately, I jumped into the river. I managed to grab her and push her to the river bank. But now, I was the one in need of being rescued. I thought this might be the end and I wasn’t sure if I could hold on. Then, I heard the familiar voice of the love of my life, my wife’s voice. She shouted something like- Stand Up! With the last bit of strength I could gather, I stood, and walked out of the raging river. The kids showed little concern for my well being, for they were attending Izzie, now safe in their arms. But I did hear one of the kids say: Thanks Dad, for saving Izzie. You are our Hero!

