优优班--学霸训练营 > 题目详情
  • What to write?This is a question asked by so many writers of children's literature.The children's literature market is a big market.Being a writer of children's literature,I did some research into the literary market for children,finding some trends.
    Children tend to like reading a series on their favorite characters.However,when trying to sell your book to an agent or a publisher,you should sell it as a stand-alone book.Focus your mind on the story that you've written instead of thinking about future unwritten stories.If the book is published and does well in the market,the publisher will be open to extending the story into a series.
    Over the years the picture book market has been slow.Small children,the prime"readers"of picture books,tend to not request their parents to purchase books for them.They cannot read for themselves and have to depend on others to read for them.To appeal to children with no reading skills,a writer should focus more on showing his/her story through vivid and colorful pictures.Also,writers must take into consideration the amount of time the average parent is willing to spend reading to their children.
    Many teens enjoy reading young adult novels based on what is known as dark concept stories.Dark concept books are stories with vampires(吸血鬼),demons(魔鬼),and other supernatural creatures.The villain(坏蛋),though,has some goodness and in a way is a victim.Also such characters share the same experiences that a typical 16-20-year-old has.They feel sad,get happy,fall in love,and even can be taken advantage of.
    When writing a children's book,keep in mind the trends in the market.Read published books,both the best sellers and poor sellers,using them as references.However,be careful not to imitate other writers'styles,not to use their characters,and not to use their plots.To become a popular writer,you should dig deep and work hard to make your story unique and interesting.

