优优班--学霸训练营 > 题目详情
  • With celebrations marking the Chinese New Year spreading from the Chinese mainland to nearly all parts of the world in recent years, we have decided to add our own festivities to the event by holding the global online contest Chinese New Year — Just Share it! Chinaculture.org invites you to share your stories, pictures, and videos about Chinese New Year.


    Anyone who is interested in Chinese culture and has stories to share about Chinese New Year.


    Articles, photographs and videos are all welcome, with the theme Chinese New Year in My Eyes. The work must be original (原创的).

    ·Articles: 800-word limit

    ·Photographs: Photographs must be in digital format (格式). Images should be no larger than 5MB. Images should be either JPEG or JPG files. The words must be complete, accurate (精确的) and should provide enough details. Watermarks are not acceptable.

    ·Videos: All videos must be no more than 3 minutes in length and be no larger than 500MB. All videos must be submitted (提交) in MP4 format. There is no restriction on the style of the video.


    ·Submission deadline (截止时间): Jan 27-Mar 5

    ·Judging period: Mar 6-26

    ·Award announcement: late March


    ·Please submit your work, or a YouTube link to your video to: contest@ chinadaily. com. cn

    ·You can also submit your work directly to http: // bbs.chinadaily.com.cn/thread-1329752-1-1.html


    Your stories will be posted on China’s most influential English-language Web, Chinadaily.com. cn. Millions of readers will read your stories on the China Daily website and its English BBS.

    About the appraisal (评定)

    Winners will be selected by a group of experts consisting of cultural scholars, members of the China Photographers Association and foreign experts at China Daily (40%), as well as online votes cast (60%).

    Awards and Prizes

    3 First Prizes: 3,000 RMB; Certificate of honor

    6 Second Prizes: 2,000 RMB; Certificate of honor

    18 Third Prizes: 1,000 RMB; Certificate of honor

    100 Honorable Mentions: 150 RMB

