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  • Nearly two decades after British writer J. K. Rowling introduced the famous boy wizard Harry Potter to the world in 1997, he is still making the news.

      The opening of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter theme park at Universal Studios in Hollywood in Los Angeles, USA, on April 7 brought the boy wizard's magical world to life.

      " It's as close as you ever could be to a film in a theme park," Alan Gilmore, an art director for the new Wizarding World of Hairy Potter, told Entertainment Weekly.

        From the start, visitors are greeted by a copy of the Hogwarts Express, the train that takes Harry Potter and his friends to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry every year.

        After arriving at the school's castle, visitors can jump on the exciting "Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey" ride and take part in memorable scenes from Harry Potter. These scenes include flying above Hogwarts, taking part in a Quidditch match, escaping a dragon attack and avoiding a close meeting with the Whomping Willow(打人柳).

        Walking through the park, visitors can enjoy cobblestone streets, narrow alleyways and buildings with chimneys made to look like those in a real English village. "It's all about making it feel like it's been here a thousand years Gilmore told Variety magazine. "And that includes moss(靑苔)and adding some dirt here and there."

        Die-hard fans can also enjoy foods and drinks like chocolate frogs, butter beer and every-flavor beans. And, of course,they can choose their first wands(魔杖). At 11 locations in the theme park, marked with a sign on the ground, visitors can wave their wands and make something magical happen!

