优优班--学霸训练营 > 题目详情
  • A:(1) ______ ?
    B: I want to join a summer English course.
    A: Why? In fact, your English is really good.
    B:(2) ______ .
    A: Oh, I see. My uncle works in an International Institute of Education (国际教育机构). It will teach you some about the culture in England.
    B: Pretty good!(3) ______ ?
    A: About four weeks.
    B: OK.(4) ______ ?
    A: Two classes, only in the morning.
    B: Great! I can do my homework in the afternoon.
    A:(5) ______ . Two hundred yuan for each class.
    B: Don't worry. I have saved my lucky money for several years.
    A: You can't be serious! Your lucky money for every New Year?
    B: Yes.
