优优班--学霸训练营 > 题目详情
  • 从方框里选择能填入对话空白处的适当选项,并在答题卡的相应位置将其涂黑.
    A:Hello,Kangkang!This is Michael speaking.
    B:Hello,Michael!(51) ______
    A:I'm worried.We'll have a test tomorrow and I always get nervous before a test.
    B:(52) ______ I am sure you will do well.
    A:But Kangkang,the test is a speech.(53) ______
    B:I will help you,Michael.(54) ______ We can listen to it at my house.Then you can practice.
    A:Kangkang,I feel more relaxed now because of your help.(55) ______ Thank you so much.
    B:My pleasure.
    B.You are really a good friend.
    C.Is there anything wrong?
    D.I get so nervous when I give a speech.
    E.I have a CD about speeches.
