优优班--学霸训练营 > 题目详情
  • When we learn English,we must learn four skills well.There are speaking,reading,listening and writing.Speaking is different from the other three skills in learning English.The other three you can do by yourself,but you can't really speak alone.Then how can you practice speaking?Where can you find people to speak English with?
    At school-If you go to a language school,you should use the chance to speak.If your teacher asks you to speak in pairs with other students,try to say as much as possible.Don't worry about your mistakes.Just speak!
    Cafes and bars-There are American,British and Australian bars in many big cities.If you can find one,you may meet many people speaking English as their first or second language.
    Songs and videos-Repeat the words of an English song singing with the music until you can say them freely.It's good practice for you.
    Language is all around you.Everywhere you go,you can find language.Shop names,notices,and car numbers.When you walk down the street,practice reading the words and numbers that you see.Say them to yourself.It's not exactly a conversation(对话),but it can help you to"think"in English.

    (1) We meet many people speaking English as their first language,when ______ .
    A. we are at school
    B. we are in a shop
    C. we think in English
    D. we are at Cafes and bars
    (2) As for English songs and videos,we should ______ .
    A. not sing the song with the music
    B. write the words for many times
    C. repeat the words of the song
    D. not dance with the music
    (3) The writer writes the passage to ______ .
    A. tell us that English is around us
    B. teach us how to speak English by ourselves
    C. give some advice on how to practice speaking English
    D. show us that English is very important around the world.
