优优班--学霸训练营 > 题目详情
  • It was my tenth birthday and I would have the biggest party ever. It would be a night of scary stories, pizza and lots of presents. But as I later realized, I would truly treasure only one gift I received that night.
    The family room was a flurry of shouts and bursts of laughter when the doorbell rang. I hardly paid attention to who might be at the door. Everyone I liked from school was there. What did it matter, really?
    "Judy, come here for a minute," Mom called from the front door.
    I know my mouth dropped open and I could feel my face turning red, for there on the front porch stood Sarah Westly-the quiet girl who sat next to me in music class-and she was holding a gift.
    I thought about the growing guest list. How had I forgotten to invite Sarah? I remembered that I only added a name to the list when someone had shown an interest in me (like kids do when they know someone is having a party and they don't want to be left out). But Sarah had never done that. I guess I had forgotten to invite her simple because she wasn't pushing to be invited. I accepted the gift from Sarah and asked her to join the party.
    "I can't stay," she said, looking down. "My dad's waiting in the car. See you Monday."
    I stood in the foyer with Sara's gift in my hands and an empty feeling in my heart.
    I didn't open the gift until hours after the party had ended. Inside the small box was a ceramic (陶瓷的) tabby cat. In my mind, it was the best gift I had received, even though I was never really into cats. I later found out that the gift looked exactly like Sarah's cat, Seymour.
    I didn't know it then, but now I realize that Sarah was my one true childhood friend. While the other girls drifted away, Sarah was always there for me, ever loyal and supportive. Although I'll always feel bad about forgetting her, I also realize that I might not have discovered Sarah as a friend had I remembered to invite her to that unforgettable tenth birthday party.
    (1) What didn't the kids do at the birthday party? ______
    A. They sent lots of birthday gifts to Judy.
    B. They told scary stories
    C. They ate pizza.
    D. They watched movies.
    (2) What does the word pushing mean in the passage? ______
    A. 推
    B. 逼迫
    C. 奋力争取
    D. 使注意
    (3) Which statement is TURE according to the passage? ______
    A. The writer invited every girl in her class.
    B. The writer was very glad to see Sarah.
    C. Sarah sent the writer a really cute cat.
    D. Sarah was quiet but sincere friend.
    (4) What can we infer from the passage? ______
    A. Sarah was always ready to help the write.
    B. the tenth birthday party was unforgettable.
    C. When the bell rang, the girls were watching TV.
    D. The writer didn't like Sarah's gift.
    (5) What is the best title of the passage? ______
    A. My Best Friends
    B. The Forgotten Friend
    C. My Tenth Birthday
    D. Sarah and her cat
