优优班--学霸训练营 > 题目详情
  • Mr. Smith is telling two funny stories of his police work.
    Story A
    I remember catching a "thief" in a clothes shop once. It was strange. The man was hiding a yellow sweater inside his coat. I thought he had stolen it, so I caught him. We found later that his wife gave him the sweater for his birthday, but he hated it. He just wanted to return it to the shop for money, but he didn't want his wife to see him! We soon let him go.
    Story B
    Another day, a man called Bob went into a bank on Sixth Street. He wrote on the back of an envelope(信封), "Give me the money! Or I'll kill you." And gave it to the bank clerk. She gave him $100,000and the man ran away. Then we received a phone call from the bank clerk. She told us to go to the man's house in Candy Town and get him. We caught him as soon as he got out of the lift. He couldn't believe that we found him so quickly. We told him that the front of the envelope he used had his name and address on it!
    (1) What does Mr. Smith do? ______
    A. A policeman.
    B. A bank clerk.
    C. A thief.
    D. A teacher.
    (2) Mr. Smith caught the man in the clothes shop ______ .
    A. by exchange
    B. by chance
    C. by mistake
    D. by accident
    (3) Why did the man want to return the sweater to the shop? ______
    A. Because he didn't want his wife to see it.
    B. Because he liked money more than the sweater.
    C. Because he hated it.
    D. Because he liked money best.
    (4) Bob was caught so quickly because ______ .
    A. Bob was cleverer than the police
    B. he received a phone call from the bank clerk
    C. the police waited for him outside the elevator
    D. his address was found on the envelope he used
    (5) What do you think of Bob? ______
    A. He is brave.
    B. He is careful.
    C. He is careless.
    D. He is smart.
