优优班--学霸训练营 > 题目详情
  • Bird Talk includes everything you need to know to help keep your pet bird healthy and active.Get important information on bird healthcare,step-by-step training and caging tips.Readers also enjoy colorful photos,entertaining stories in each monthly issue (发行).
    Issues per year:12 Our price:$13.99
    Cover price:$47.88
    Art on paper is an art magazine devoted to works on paper.Art on paper presents current information about exhibitions and the marketplace.Each issue contains news,reviews of current and recent museums and exhibitions,as well as published artists books and limited-edition prints.
    Issues per year:6 Our price:$45
    Cover price:$80.00
    Disney Adventures is for children aged 7to 14who are eager to learn.This magazine focuses (集中) fun and action-packed adventure covering the world of entertainment,real life,comics,sports,and technology.
    Issues per year:10 Our price:$14.95
    Cover price:$29.90
    Mother Earth News is a country lifestyle magazine to help readers with the how-to information of home building and home improvement,organic gardening,small business,development,outdoor recreation and wood-working projects.
    Issues per year:6 Our price:$18.00
    Cover price:$23.70
    (1) If Ellen is very interested in organic gardening,she's most likely to order.______
    A. Bird Talk B. Art Paper
    C. Disney Adventures D. Mother Earth News
    (2) Which of the following is TRUE about Bird Talk?______
    A. It can teach a bird how to talk
    B. It is for children under 14.
    C. It is published once a month.
    D. It contains news and recent museums.
    (3) Why are the children eager to read Disney Adventures?______
    A. Because it's cheap.
    B. Because it focuses on fun and action-packed adventure.
    C. Because there is how-to information of home building on the magazine.
    D. Because it contains news and exhibition.
    (4) From the passage we know.______
    A. Bird talk's cover price is$13.99.
    B. Children and adults love to read Disney Adventures.
    C. Art on Paper can help readers know current information about exhibitions andthe marketplace.
    D. Mother Earth News is a city lifestyle magazine.
    (5) The purpose (目的) of the passage is mainly.______
    A. to get readers to order the magazine
    B. to introduce four magazines to readers
    C. to compare (比较) the prices of four magazines
    D. to provide readers with more fun.
