优优班--学霸训练营 > 题目详情
  • The Belt and Road strategy (一带一路策略,The B&R) aims to connect China with the world.It is a turning point in China's overseas development strategy.Under this background of China,language skills will play a really big part.The B&R is not only about economy,but also about politics and culture.Many of China's overseas projects have failed because of the little knowledge of local politics(政治),economy and culture.But this situation can be improved by learning foreign languages,because we can research them during learning the languages.So,China has a greater need of language talents,especially those who also have knowledge on trade,business and law.
    The B&R will also attract more and more foreign students to China.It is important to train teachers to teach physics,international trade and the other subjects in English.And for China to go to the world,we need to introduce latest education ideas and courses of other countries,as well as foreign teachers and students.
    Choose the right answer according to the passage.
    (1) You can see the passage in a (n)______.
    A. newspaper
    B. guidebook
    C. advertisement
    D. magazine
    (2) The underlined word"introduce"most probably means______.
    A. take in
    B. turn in
    C. bring in
    D. put in
    (3) How can we make the China overseas projects more successful?.______
    A. By understanding the Belt and Road strategy
    B. By visiting other countries.
    C. By leaning more knowledge of the local politics,economy and culture.
    D. Only by learning foreign languages.
    (4) According to the passage,which one is not true?______
    A. The B&R aims to connect China with other countries.
    B. The B&R is only about economy.
    C. The Belt and Road strategy is a turning point in China's overseas development strategy.
    D. More foreign students will come to China.
    (5) What is the purpose of the passage?______
    A. Language skills are important.
    B. The B&R gives people more chances to go abroad.
    C. Language skills can increase China's overseas development.
    D. Under the background of our country,China should train language talents and teachers.
