优优班--学霸训练营 > 题目详情
  • Dear Mum,
    I have studied abroad for some time.I miss you very much now.
    I (1) learned the famous saying"You don't know what you've got until it's gone."Yes Miss Li said her math teacher made a huge difference in her life.But she was (2) because she had no chance to tell her teacher.This made me think a lot,especially (3) I'm thousands of kilometers away.I'm writing to you because I want you to know how (4) I love you.
    It's said that a (5) happiness was mostly because of their childhood.That's quite right.I still remember the times when you (6) my hand as we walked along.You told me stories about the brave elephant and encouraged me to be a (7) girl.…My childhood was filled with these warm memories.
    How time flies!There have been good times and bad times,but you were always by my side.When I won a prize,you smiled and felt proud (8) me.When I failed an exam,you comforted me.You always gave me courage to (9) all my difficulties.
    You've always said that we should judge (判断)people's (10) by how they live their lives every day.I think I'm now living a happy life.Thank you,Mum.
    (1) A. once B. never C. hardly
    (2) A. happy B. calm C. sad
    (3) A. why B. when C. which
    (4) A. much B. early C. little
    (5) A. mother's B. person's C. teacher's
    (6) A. beat B. showed C. held
    (7) A. funny B. confident C. beautiful
    (8) A. of B. with C. to
    (9) A. carry out B. keep on C. deal with
    (10) A. looks B. ages C. success.
