优优班--学霸训练营 > 题目详情
  • Once upon a time in India, there was a town called Boring. It was by the side of Dull Lake. It was a strange town. The people of Boring never smiled; they did not know how to laugh—whether they were grown-ups or children.

    No one knew how to smile, laugh or crack a joke. Life was really dull and boring. No one played any games, because there were no playgrounds in the town.

    One day the town had a visitor. Ekta’s grandmother had come visiting. It was her first time in Boring. She had silvery hair and a smile that stretched(伸展)from ear to ear. Even her eyes smiled. The people of Boring found her very surprised.

    Ekta’s grandmother decided to change it. She was good at telling jokes. She knew many jokes. The funny jokes made people laugh. Once they laughed together they felt warm towards each other. They made friends for life. Grandma was satisfied. Her work was done. She returned home. Since then, wherever children have laughed and played with each other, those villagers, towns and cities have never seen any unlucky things.

    (1) This story took place __________.

    A. in India           B. in Japan                   
    C. in China                    D. in the USA

    (2) What does the underlined word crack mean?

    A. Tell.               B. Make up.           
    C. Do.                    D. Take up.

    (3) At first the people of Boring thought Ekta’s grandma is __________.

    A. funny             B. lovely               
    C. amazed                      D. boring

    (4) Which of the following is TRUE?

    A. The grandma lived in the town for ever.

    B. The people of Boring like the grandma all the time.

    C. The grandma saved the town.

    D. The grandma was very satisfied with her work at last.

