优优班--学霸训练营 > 题目详情
  •  根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项。

       When it comes to rumors and gossip, everyone can be fair game. ____  (1)  ____ And then suddenly, it can possibly be your turn to be the target. So, how can you deal with it in a way that won't make the situation worse?

    Try to understand where it's coming from, and why

       If you can, figure out who started the rumor. Is the rumor meant to hurt you, or is it just a case of misinformation? Is someone trying to get back at you for something? __  (2)  ____ Therefore, you can have a better understanding of how to deal with it.

       ___  (3)  ___

       Identify someone who didn't start the rumor and get him or her on your side. Ask this person to stick up for you, and tell others in the group that the rumor is not true, end most importantly, very hurtful. Lower the chances that it will happen again

       First, be careful with your secrets. Second, use the buddy system. It helps to have a best friend who you can trust to be on your side and watch your back when you need. ___  (4)  ____ Lastly, do onto others as you would have them do onto you. ___  (5)  ____ When you keep your gossip to yourself, it is not easy for you to be a prime target for somebody seeking to get even.

    (1) A. Don't spread rumors about other people, but explodes with anger when they are about you.
    B. Do the same for him or her to make sure your friend stays loyal.
    C. Keep calm when you are gossiped about.
    D. At one moment, the big rumor can seem to be about someone else.
    E. Get someone in the middle to make a stand.
    F. If you have been the victim of gossip and rumors, you might went to go "an eye for an eye".
    G. It is important to get this information before you react to the rumor.
    (2) A. Don't spread rumors about other people, but explodes with anger when they are about you.
    B. Do the same for him or her to make sure your friend stays loyal.
    C. Keep calm when you are gossiped about.
    D. At one moment, the big rumor can seem to be about someone else.
    E. Get someone in the middle to make a stand.
    F. If you have been the victim of gossip and rumors, you might went to go "an eye for an eye".
    G. It is important to get this information before you react to the rumor.
    (3) A. Don't spread rumors about other people, but explodes with anger when they are about you.
    B. Do the same for him or her to make sure your friend stays loyal.
    C. Keep calm when you are gossiped about.
    D. At one moment, the big rumor can seem to be about someone else.
    E. Get someone in the middle to make a stand.
    F. If you have been the victim of gossip and rumors, you might went to go "an eye for an eye".
    G. It is important to get this information before you react to the rumor.
    (4) A. Don't spread rumors about other people, but explodes with anger when they are about you.
    B. Do the same for him or her to make sure your friend stays loyal.
    C. Keep calm when you are gossiped about.
    D. At one moment, the big rumor can seem to be about someone else.
    E. Get someone in the middle to make a stand.
    F. If you have been the victim of gossip and rumors, you might went to go "an eye for an eye".
    G. It is important to get this information before you react to the rumor.
    (5) A. Don't spread rumors about other people, but explodes with anger when they are about you.
    B. Do the same for him or her to make sure your friend stays loyal.
    C. Keep calm when you are gossiped about.
    D. At one moment, the big rumor can seem to be about someone else.
    E. Get someone in the middle to make a stand.
    F. If you have been the victim of gossip and rumors, you might went to go "an eye for an eye".
    G. It is important to get this information before you react to the rumor.
