优优班--学霸训练营 > 题目详情
  •         Learning English is not easy. Almost every student sometimes   (1)   questions like these: Can I really learn English well? Can I really learn it well to communicate with others? If you are learning English, you may come across the  (2)   question.

            The answer is yes. According to some studies you will find it isn't as   (3)   as you think.

           Almost anyone can learn a foreign language   (4)   he or she  wants to. Some might learn it faster and some slower. But with the   (5)   ways and attitude, almost anyone can make it.

            Successful English learners   (6)  have positive attitude towards their studies. They don't wait for the chance to use English; instead, they try their best to   (7)   one. They don't miss every chance that they can use it. For example, they are not   (8)   making mistakes in front of others. They must know everyone may make mistakes sometimes. They   (9)   talking with people even in broken English, singing English songs or watching movies, even though they may not   (10)  the idea completely(完全地). They like to read simple stories or newspaper reports and try to guess the meaning all the time. They set goals(目标) and try  to achieve them. The most important thing is that they never give up.

    (1) A. tries B. asks C. answers D. reports
    (2) A. fast B. bad C. new D. same
    (3) A. easy B. difficult C. much D. little
    (4) A. before B. after C. as D. if
    (5) A. funny B. smart C. right D. possible
    (6) A. usually B. never C. sometimes D. seldom
    (7) A. miss B. lose C. find D. choose
    (8) A. proud of B. afraid of C. sorry for D. pleased with
    (9) A. stop B. need C. enjoy D. hate
    (10) A. take B. remember C. forget D. get
