优优班--学霸训练营 > 题目详情
  • Most students want to be able to accomplish much in as little time as possible. That’s completely understandable!    (1)   Here are some tips that will help you be as efficient as possible and get your school work done even when you’re feeling lazy.

    What if you have a lot of research material to read through but you’re mainly interested in finding out what it says about a certain topic? Use you “Ctrl+F” function to find keywords.    (2)  

    When you have something that needs to be done, don’t go out and party instead.    (3)    Keep your priorities straight. You are at school to study, learn and graduate. Parties are a secondary thing.

      (4)   Have an agreement ahead of time that when the study group meets, you’re only allowed to discuss the subject at hand. It will gradually become a habit.

    Time management is very important! Using your time wisely is probably the most important life lesson you can learn. Balancing fun with work and making work fun can be a challenge at first.   (5)  

    (1) A. You must also time your break.
    B. There will be plenty of other opportunities.
    C. But it will force you to focus on your studies.
    D. When group studying, don’t allow chatting or visiting.
    E. But you will become really good at it if you keep practicing.
    F. While your focus is on your education, there are still many things to enjoy.
    G. That way you needn’t read the articles that contain no useful information to you.
    (2) A. You must also time your break.
    B. There will be plenty of other opportunities.
    C. But it will force you to focus on your studies.
    D. When group studying, don’t allow chatting or visiting.
    E. But you will become really good at it if you keep practicing.
    F. While your focus is on your education, there are still many things to enjoy.
    G. That way you needn’t read the articles that contain no useful information to you.
    (3) A. You must also time your break.
    B. There will be plenty of other opportunities.
    C. But it will force you to focus on your studies.
    D. When group studying, don’t allow chatting or visiting.
    E. But you will become really good at it if you keep practicing.
    F. While your focus is on your education, there are still many things to enjoy.
    G. That way you needn’t read the articles that contain no useful information to you.
    (4) A. You must also time your break.
    B. There will be plenty of other opportunities.
    C. But it will force you to focus on your studies.
    D. When group studying, don’t allow chatting or visiting.
    E. But you will become really good at it if you keep practicing.
    F. While your focus is on your education, there are still many things to enjoy.
    G. That way you needn’t read the articles that contain no useful information to you.
    (5) A. You must also time your break.
    B. There will be plenty of other opportunities.
    C. But it will force you to focus on your studies.
    D. When group studying, don’t allow chatting or visiting.
    E. But you will become really good at it if you keep practicing.
    F. While your focus is on your education, there are still many things to enjoy.
    G. That way you needn’t read the articles that contain no useful information to you.
