优优班--学霸训练营 > 题目详情
  • Manners are important in our lives.Everyone likes a person  (1)   good manners. As parents, you should teach your children manners as soon as they can   (2)   what you're saying.

    Here are some basic manners for children.

    Don't talk when other people are  (3)  . Gently(轻轻地)tell your children to wait until someone finishes his words. Always greet someone when they  (4)  your house. You can teach your children to shake hands with adults but it's not  (5)  to shake hands with other children. And your children should always say "Hello" to those who visit you  (6)   they feel welcome. Say "Please" and "Thank you" often. If someone    (7)  them, tell them to say "You're welcome."

    Have good sportsmanship(运动品德). After playing a game,no matter what the  (8)  will be,be pleasant. If your children win, tell them not to  (9)  the others. If they lose,tell them not to get mad.Open doors for others. When going into buildings,they should  (10)  the elders to go first and open the door for them.

    (1) A. to B. with C. on D. for

    (2) A. hear        B. guess           
    C. understand            D. remember

    (3) A. speaking B. sleeping C. working D. reading

    (4) A. come out B. come over to
    C. come up with D. come back from

    (5) A. good       B. useful        
    C. right              D. necessary

    (6) A. until B. so that C. because D. even if

    (7) A. thanks B. helps C. hates D. agrees

    (8) A. reason B. things C. position D. result

    (9) A. talk about B. laugh at C. listen to D. play with

    (10) A. allow       B. watch         
    C. stop               D. teach

