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  • How to Make Friends

    Having friends may well keep you healthier and help you deal with difficulties better. It is not very hard to make friends. Continue reading to find out how to make friends.

      (1)   There are many ways to do this—talking about the weather (“At least it’s not raining like last week!”), asking for help or saying words of praise (“I love your shoes.”).

    Introduce yourself at the end of the conversation.It can be as simple as saying “Oh, by the way, my name is ...”   (2)  Remember his or her name!

    Join a sports team.As long as you enjoy the sport, you don’t have to be really good at playing a sport in order to make friends with others.   (3)   If you play the guitar or sing, try joining a band.

    Be a good listener.  (4)  _ Ask questions about their interests, and just take the time to learn more about them.

    Encourage your friend.A very good friend encourages their friend. _  (5)  Never make fun or laugh at your friend in front of others. If someone is making fun of them, a good friend will come to save their friend.

    (1) ________
    A. Start a conversation.
    B. Find out common interests.
    C. But a sports team isn’t the only way.
    D. The key to being a good friend is the ability to keep secrets.
    E. They will remain with them in both good as well as bad times.
    F. Once you introduce yourself, the other person will do the same.
    G. Listen carefully to what people say, and remember important information about them.
    (2) ________
    A. Start a conversation.
    B. Find out common interests.
    C. But a sports team isn’t the only way.
    D. The key to being a good friend is the ability to keep secrets.
    E. They will remain with them in both good as well as bad times.
    F. Once you introduce yourself, the other person will do the same.
    G. Listen carefully to what people say, and remember important information about them.
    (3) ________
    A. Start a conversation.
    B. Find out common interests.
    C. But a sports team isn’t the only way.
    D. The key to being a good friend is the ability to keep secrets.
    E. They will remain with them in both good as well as bad times.
    F. Once you introduce yourself, the other person will do the same.
    G. Listen carefully to what people say, and remember important information about them.
    (4) ________
    A. Start a conversation.
    B. Find out common interests.
    C. But a sports team isn’t the only way.
    D. The key to being a good friend is the ability to keep secrets.
    E. They will remain with them in both good as well as bad times.
    F. Once you introduce yourself, the other person will do the same.
    G. Listen carefully to what people say, and remember important information about them.
    (5) ________
    A. Start a conversation.
    B. Find out common interests.
    C. But a sports team isn’t the only way.
    D. The key to being a good friend is the ability to keep secrets.
    E. They will remain with them in both good as well as bad times.
    F. Once you introduce yourself, the other person will do the same.
    G. Listen carefully to what people say, and remember important information about them.
