优优班--学霸训练营 > 题目详情
  •     For years, you’ve dreamed about hopping on a plane and disappearing into the horizon. You’ve bought your ticket. You’ve packed your bags. And your parents have finally built up the courage to let you go. Congratulations!

    When you travel alone, the only person you need to think about is you. Taste the opportunity of complete freedom, and make your own route. There’s nothing wrong with caring only about yourself and seeking out the opportunities you want to experience, as long as you respect others and their freedom to choose. When you travel with family or friends, you often play a certain role. It can be the irresponsible little brother, the spoiled sister, or the shy friend. Now all that can change. Who do you want to be? Step outside your comfort zone and try on a different role. Don’t hide behind a mask or give in to social expectations.

    When you fail to plan, you have to suffer the consequences. You need to imagine different situations, and try to think of possible solutions to them. Of course, a perfect plan doesn’t guarantee a smooth trip. Things happen on the road. That’s life. Experiences teach you the delicate art of forward thinking.

    You prove to yourself that you can take on new challenges and deal with problems as they arise. Yes, it’s difficult and you will have to live with your mistakes. But better make mistakes than not to have lived at all. You learn to be kind and forgiving to yourself. After all, you’ve got to like your own company. You learn to nurture and protect your confidence, because you know it’s one of your most valuable assets.

    Fear of heights. Fear of spiders. Fear of being alone and unloved. We’ve brought some heavy luggage on board. I’ve got good news and bad news. The good news: You’re not alone with your fears. Others have them, too. It’s what makes us vulnerable and human. Find comfort in this. The bad news: There’s not a fast cure to overcome your fear. There’s no pill to swallow. There’s no app to download. The reward is worth the struggle. Your fears are stubborn and they will return. You must fight back every single time. 

    Traveling invites you to experience the unknown. To make the most of what the world has to offer, you better have an open mind. This is your key. Without it, you won’t go far. The world is full of imagined barriers. You break them down by evaluating your own prejudice. You’re quick to judge, but fortunately travel brings awareness to your ignorance.

    When the luggage limit is low and your bag is full, you know it’s time to say goodbye to a few things. This can be difficult at first, but after a while it becomes a welcoming routine. Besides, you can buy it again, if you have to. In the end, relationships and memories matter most. You don’t need souvenirs to live a rich life. Sure, less is more when you travel alone, but some things are hard to live without. Say your passport and money for example. These are your personal belongings and you need them. Observe your surroundings and be careful in large crowds and tourist areas.

    You will build new relationships on your journey, even if you’re shy. It doesn’t take much. It can be a friendly smile, a helpful hand, or a shared fear. Indeed, nothing brings people closer than fear. It’s tempting to check your Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts when you’re traveling. You don’t want to miss what’s right in front of you! Take the chance to get to know someone.

    Things You will Learn About Traveling Alone

    Be   (1)  and play a different role

      Think only about yourself so long as you show respect for others.

      Forget what others   (2)   from you. Take this chance to get to know yourself and show the world your true colors.

    Plan ahead

    The more   (3)   you are, the more you will be able to enjoy your trip.

    Develop  (4)   and face fears

       When you travel alone, remember others  (5)  your fears, in which you may find comfort.

       When you are alone, there’s no   (6)  out but to overcome your fears.

    Learn to be   (7)  

    When you travel alone, you test your assumptions and challenge your beliefs. Remember that the best way to change your mind is to open it.

    Travel with  (8)  

      Less stuff means less trouble.

       Be alert and keep your belongings   (9)  at all times.

    Make new friends

    Resist the   (10)   to check your accounts at all costs. Your new friends can teach you things about life that you can’t get from your phone.


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