优优班--学霸训练营 > 题目详情

  • Ⅰ.关键词语选择


    (1). A. planet                              B. plane                            C. plant

    (2). A. present                            B. prepare                         C. prefer

    (3). A. sang                                B. done                             C. gone

    (4). A. difficult                                  B. different                       C. direct

    (5). A. get up                              B. put up                                  C. catch up



    (6). What does the girl’s uncle do?

                 A                                              B                                                  C

    (7). Whoˈs Sandy’s friend?

         A                                              B                                                  C

    (8). What is Peter’s favourite hobby?

         A                                              B                                                  C

    (9). How will the girl and her mother go to Beijing?

         A                                              B                                                  C

    (10). Which drink does Lisa want?

         A                                              B                                                  C

    (11). How much are the trousers?

    A. $20.                               B. $30                                C. $50

    (12). Who is taller than Jack?

    A. Nancy.                         B. Peter                              C. Bill

    (13). Where are the two speakers?

    A. At the airport.              B. At the railway station.   C. At the cinema.

    (14). What is the man’s friend from?

    A. America.                      B. Canada.                        C. France.

    (15). What will the two speakers do to celebrate the birthday?

    A. Go to the KTV.                   B. See a movie.                 C. Play games.

