优优班--学霸训练营 > 题目详情
  • One day in summer,little Jack was (1)p______on the beach with his father.Suddenly,he saw a little tortoise moving slowly on the sand.He started to look at it(2)c______and began to touch it with his hand.To his surprise,the tortoise stopped moving.It pulled in its head and legs,and (3)c______its shell(贝壳)tightly.He touched it again but the tortoise didn"t move at all.Jack became (4)a______.He used a stick and tried to force(强迫)it to open.
    When his father saw this,he stopped him and said,"No,son,you mustn"t do that!You will kill the tortoise.You won"t make it (5)o______with a stick."Jack was curious and asked,"Why?"
    "Just wait and see,"his father replied.Then he picked up the tortoise and put it in a bag.
    After they came back home,the father(6)t______ the tortoise out of the bag.He put it near the fireplace(壁炉).After a few minutes,the tortoise began to move a little.Then the tortoise stretched out(伸出)its head and legs.At last,the tortoise began to crawl(爬行)(7)a______ the room.How excited Jack was when he saw this.
    "Son,now you see,"said his father,"sometimes,you can"t(8)m______someone do things he doesn"t like.But (9)i______you make him warm first,he will do what you want (10)h______ to do."
