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  • The world is witnessing the worst refugee crisis since World War II. Tens of thousands of people are fleeing civil war and unrest to find new homes in Europe-sometimes with tragic (1)
    On Aug 27, Austrian officials found the bodies of 71 Syrian migrants in an (2) truck near Austrian-Hungarian border, just (3) European leaders were holding a meeting in Vienna to (4) out how to deal with the refugee crisis. On the same day, 200 migrants were feared dead and 200 rescued as two boats packed with refugees sank (5) the coast of Libya, according to media reports.
    The (6) "migrant" and "refugee" are often used interchangeably. But there"s a big (7) between them, says an article in the Atlantic magazine. Here is how the United Nations (8) refugees:
    "Refugees are persons fleeing armed (9) or persecution (迫害). Their situation is often so dangerous and intolerable that they cross national borders to (10) safety in nearby countries. …These are people for whom denial of asylum (庇护) has potentially (11) consequences."
    Migrants, (12) , move mainly to improve their lives by finding work, or for education, family (13) or other reasons, said the agency.
    Countries agree to (14) refugees certain protections under their international treaty (协定) obligations (义务). This is why some states are (15) to admit those people who are (16) unrest in their home countries.
    When (17) refugee and immigration issues, many media outlets use the (18) term "illegal immigrant". Critics say that it gives the impression that it"s the person that is illegal (19) their actions. The UN and the EU parliament have (20) an end to the phrase, the BBC reported.
