优优班--学霸训练营 > 题目详情
  • One day, John wanted to find a job. He (1)c______ some information about work, and found a place where they wanted a waiter.
    Then next morning, he got up early and went for the (2)i______. A woman received him in the office.
    "Err…Madam, I want a job, and then I come here," he was a little nervous.
    "I know. Boy, why do you want the job?" the woman smiled at him.
    "I am not a (3)l______ boy, and I want to (4)d______ myself through some social (5)a______."
    "Good, tell me what you are (6)i______ in?"
    " I have got many hobbies, such as playing (7)v______ and computer games. I also like (8)c______ and (9)s______."
    "How old are you, boy?"
    "I"m thirteen, Madam," John said in a low voice.
    "Well, I think you should study hard as a (10)t______. Could I call your mother for some advice?" the woman looked into his eyes.
    "No, please. Maybe I can ask for her advice myself." Then John ran out of the office quickly.
    Without any money, John missed his parents and went home.
