优优班--学霸训练营 > 题目详情
  • Attachment is not just a connection between two people; it"s a bond that involves a desire for regular contact with that person and the experience of distress (悲伤)during separation from that person.
    m According to psychologist John Bowlby, there are four critical characteristics of attachment. The first is the desire to be near those with whom we share an attachment since we are happy while staying with them. Attachments also create a safe shelter, meaning that during times of distress, fear, or uncertainty, we may seek out the people we"re attached to for care and comfort. Next, attachment figures also offer a secure base for exploration. This is particularly important during childhood. This secure base allows kids to explore the world while they know they can still return to the safety of the attachment figure. Finally, we experience separation distress when parted from an attachment figure. For example, kids tend to become upset when parents have to leave them in the care of others.
    Attachment serves a number of important purposes. For instance,it helps keep babies and children close to their caregivers so that they can avoid potential dangers, which in turn helps boost their chances of survival. However, if a child doesn"t form a secure attachment to a caregiver,he or she will suffer from a number of problems including conduct disorder and oppositional-defiant (对立反抗的)disorder. Researchers also suggest that the type of attachment displayed early in life can have a lasting effect on later adult relationships.
    Psychologist Harry Harlow conducted an experiment on social isolation in monkeys. Baby monkeys were separated from their mothers and placed with surrogate mothers (代母).One mother was simply a wire armature (电枢)that held a bottle,while the other mother was covered with a soft terry cloth material. Harlow found that the baby monkeys would receive food from the wire mother, but preferred to spend most of their time with the soft mother. When compared to monkeys that had been raised by their birth mothers, the monkeys raised by surrogate mothers were shyer and more nervous and suffered from social and emotional problems.
    All in all, developing secure and healthy attachments early in life is very important. Such attachments play a vital role in our future development.
    Introduction to
    Attachment means that you feel so connected to someone else (1) that often want to contact him or her and you may feel distressed in the (2) of the person.
    of attachment
    •We enjoy the (3) of those we"re attached to. so we always take any chance we get to be with them.
    •We may turn to attachment figures when experiencing negative emotions.
    •Attachment figures are always (4) and serve as powerful supporters when children (5) their surroundings.
    •Any (6) from an attachment figure is an invitation to distress.
    Importance of
    •Attachment makes children seek (7 ) ______ from their caregivers, thus enabling them to survive.
    (7) to form a secure attachment with a caregiver leads to a series of problems in children.
    •Childhood attachment influences later adult relationships.
    An experiment In a study, with their early attachments (8) baby monkeys are likely to suffer mentally. (9) and emotionally.
    Conclusion We should form secure and healthy attachments while young, because they will have important impacts on our future development.
