优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1. 判断对(√)错(×)。
              (     ) 1. He is a girl.
              (     ) 2. She name is Wang Hong.
              (     ) 3. He is my friend.
              (     ) 4. I'm very well, thanks you.
              (     ) 5. What time it is?
              (     ) 6. This is a sun.
              (     ) 7. What day is yesterday?
              (     ) 8. Children's Day is January first.
              (     ) 9. Sunday is the first day of the week.
            • 2. 选出与划线部分同类的单词。
              (     ) 1. She is a girl.
              (     ) 2. This is a school
              (     ) 3. These are markers
              (     ) 4. The book is on the desk.
              (     ) 5. The girl is the second.  A. teacher
              A. classroom   
              A. erasers
              A. under
              A. first    B. desk 
              B. blackboard   
              B. above
              B. glue
              B. one       C. boy
              C. chair
              C. below
              C. pen
              C. two
            • 3. 看一看,选一选。
              (     ) 1. 数学       
              (     ) 2. 明天       
              (     ) 3. 关         
              (     ) 4. 今天       
              (     ) 5. 周         
              (     ) 6. 月         
              (     ) 7. 写         
              (     ) 8. 多少
              (     ) 9. 在……旁边
              (     ) 10. 在……前面A. tomorrow
              B. maths 
              C. today
              D. close
              E. month
              F. week   
              G. how many
              H. write     
              I. in front of
              J. beside
            • 4. 根据汉语意思,补全单词。
              1. t__ __th (第十) 
              2. __ __nny (晴朗的)   
              3. th__ __d (第三) 
              4. twe__ __th (第十二) 
              5. win__ __ (有风的)
              6. sn__ __y (下雪的)
              7. Septemb__ __ (九月)
              8. s__ __th (第六)
              9. sev__ __th (第七)
              10. sec__ __d (第二)A. en
              A. su
              A. ir
              A. lf
              A. dy
              A. wo
              A. re
              A. xi
              A. ne
              A. no           B. ne 
              B. us
              B. ri
              B. fl
              B. yd
              B. ow
              B. er
              B. ix
              B. en
              B. on              
            • 5. 选择字母组成单词。
              (     ) 1. __esk
              (     ) 2. __each
              (     ) 3. __even
              (     ) 4. __ero
              (     ) 5. __ananaA. z
              B. b
              C. d
              D. s
              E. p                                                                                               
            • 6. 读一读,选择正确的图片。
              (     ) 1. How many watermelons are there?
                          There are eight.A. B.
              (     ) 2. Are these ducks?
                  Yes, they are.A. B.
              (     ) 3. What's that?
                     It's a potato.A. B.                 
            • 7. 选一选,填一填。
              That is, that is, This is, this is, small, big
              1. ____________ __________ a ____________ fish and,
              ____________ __________ a ____________ fish.
              2. ____________ __________ a ____________ egg and,
              ____________ __________ a ____________ egg.
              3. ____________ __________ a ____________ bike and,
              ____________ __________ a ____________ bike.
              4. ____________ __________ a ____________ apple and,
              ____________ __________ a ____________ apple.                                    
            • 8. Think and write. 你来搭建这个“金字塔”吧!把相同类型的词分别写在两边。仔细观察,认真写一写。
              twelve   fifteen   four   twenty   seventeen   three   nine   Saturday   Tuesday   Monday   Wednesday   Friday   Sunday   Thursday
            • 9. Look at the pictures and write the words. 看图写单词。
               1. s                              2. c                                   3. h                                4. s             
               5. c                                6. r                             7. c                                   8. t              
            • 10.
              (     )1.三张地图         
              (     )2.我的名字           
              (     )3.我的洋娃娃         
              (     )4.一张床             
              (     )5.多少             
              (     )6.under the desk   
              (     )7.five girls         
              (     )8.black dresser    
              (     )9.three blue chairs
              (     )10.one red apple       
              A.three maps        
              A.my pen          
              A.my ball          
              A.a bed                        
              A.how many           
              B.three map         
              B.my name           
              B.my doll           
              B.two beds         
