优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1. How many ____________ do you have?
              [     ]

              A. books
              B. a book
              C. the book
            • 2. Do you like __________?
              [     ]

              A. sock
              B. socks
            • 3. These are pink ____________.
              [     ]

              A. eraser
              B. erasers
              C. reasers
            • 4. I have three ___________.
              [     ]

              A. book
              B. books
              C. bookes
            • 5. How many ________ at the zoo?
              [     ]

              A. elephant         
              B. elephants             
              C. an elephant
            • 6. How many            of water?
              [     ]

              A. bottle
              B. /
              C. bottles
              D. cup
            • 7. —How many bottles of milk?   —                    .
              [     ]

              A. Six bottles            
              B. Six bottle         
              C. six bottles
            • 8. 看图,选择正确的答案。
              1. —What do you want to do?  —I want to play .
              [     ]

              A. checkes            
              B. checker            
              C. checkers
              2. —Would you like to     —Okay.
              [     ]

              A. play football       
              B. play badminton   
              C. play cards
              3. Let's play with the .
              [     ]

              A. doll                   
              B. dolls                 
              C. ball
              4. This is the way we our hair.
              [     ]

              A. comb                   
              B. brush                  
              C. comd
            • 9. I have two ________.
              [     ]

              A. egg    
              B. egges    
              C. eggs
            • 10. I have lots of _________.
              [     ]

              A. orange          
              B. oranges          
              C. apple
