优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1. 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。
              1. I eat three _____________ (tomato).
              2. The beef _____________ (be) too salty.
              3. That _____________ (sound) good.
              4. Amy _____________ (have) fish for lunch.
              5. I'm too heavy. I have to _____________ (eat) vegetables.
            • 2. 用所给词的适当形式填空。
              1. Can you find the _____________ (different)?
              2. There _____________ (be) a table, two desks and a bed in my room.
              3. What can you see in _____________ (Mike) room?
              4. Let's _____________ (put) these books on the desk.
              5. It's time _____________ (go) to school.
            • 3. 用所给词的适当形式填空。
              1. We ____________ (be) hungry.
              2. She ____________ (need) some onions.
              3. Supper ____________ (be) ready.
              4. Now the ____________ (dish) are clean.
              5. The ____________ (pea) are on the stove.
              6. What ____________ (be) for supper?
            • 4. 根据提示补全句子。
              1. How many s______________ are there in a year?  There are four.
              2. It's A______________ 7th today. It's my b______________.
              3. The dog is ______________ (run).
              4. The rabbit can ______________ (jump) , and the bird can ______________ (fly).
              5. ______________ my bag? It's on the table.
              6. Listen! The bird is ______________ (sing).
              7. ______________ do you go home?  I go home at 5: 00.
              8. Let ______________ (I) see.
              9. Look ____________ the bird.
              10. My mother ______________ the clothes every morning.
            • 5. 用所给词的适当形式填空。
              1. These __________ (child) are playing.     
              2. Lucy, is this __________ (you) camera?
              3. He __________ (see) a restaurant on the street.     
              4. Jenny and Danny walk __________ (quick).    
              5. I am __________ (fly) kites.
            • 6. 看图,根据句意补全单词,使句意完整。
              1. My grandfather likes to wear g          
              2.Jenny walks f      st       than Danny.
              3. This is a m            of Ch         
              4. My a       t lives in C          
              5. Look! They are pl       ing p       -p     
            • 7. 根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空。
              leaf     listen     answer     birthday     do
              1. There are four               in December in my class.   
              2. My uncle is               to music. 
              3. He often               morning exercises. 
              4. My grandma is               the phone.  
              5. Amy is picking up               .    
            • 8. 看图,完成下列句子。
              There are some               
              Some are                trees. 
              Some                               .
              There are some               .
              Some are               .
              Some                               .
            • 9. 写出下列名词的复数形式。
              1. picture — picturs           2. insect —                 
              3. leaf —                          4. butterfly —               
              5. ant —                           6. flower —               
              7. kite —                          8. student —               
            • 10. 根据句子的意思,完成下列单词。 
              1. When do you play sp_ _ts?         
              2. I like spring best. I can fly k_ _ _s.       
              3. It's Sunday. Everybody is busy. My mom is  c_ _k_ _ g dinner,  My dad is answering the ph_ _ _. My 
                  brother is drawing  p_ _ tures. My sister is _ _ _ _ _ ing TV. I am doing the di_ _es.          
              4. What is the rabbit doing? It's j _ _ _ ing.
